
How To Manage Your Legal Documentation While On Assignment

You have your nursing license, your certifications, your immunization records, and suddenly you’re overburdened with paperwork. All documents and credentials are vital to working as a travel nurse, but they can be cumbersome to organize. 

Your client may also request specific items, so you may have additional documentation depending on the travel nurse assignment. Our credentialing specialist will inform you of all of the required documents and credentials—here is a quick rundown of what you’ll need:

  • Nursing License: The number one document you need to have on hand is your nursing license, which proves that you passed your state-approved nursing program. 
  • Certifications: This includes CPR certification as well as any other certifications required by your specialty.
  • Social Security Card: While First Nurse will have information like this already, some documents are important enough to keep on hand anyway.
  • Immunization Records: This includes proof of immunization for Mumps, Rubeola, Rubella, and Varicella, which are all necessary to practice nursing.
  • Additional Records: This includes physical examinations and tuberculin skin tests.
  • Reference Letters and Resume: It’s always helpful to have these documents on hand in case a facility requires them in person.

It can be difficult to manage the number of documents required for travel nursing; we find that the best strategy is to plan ahead and store your documents in a way that makes them easily accessible. 

Managing Documents Electronically

Online organization is step one when you apply for First Nurse. As part of the application process, you will upload credentials to our online Workforce Portal. You can take pictures of your paperwork and credentials with a phone to upload if needed. Travel nurses always have access to the portal, so you can access your uploaded documents any time. Both First Nurse and your client will have access to some documentation as well, but it’s good practice to keep documents ready during assignments. 

Storing documents on your computer is another viable option that is especially helpful for back-to-back assignments. With this option, not only are your documents readily available but you can access them much quicker without going online. Electronic documents are especially helpful if you don’t have physical documentation on hand.

Managing Documents Physically

Carrying hard copies of your documents while on assignment is the tried-and-true way to manage them—and for good reason. With hard copies, you have the documents on hand and ready to go, and you don’t have to rely on technology to provide it. Find a safe place, away from everyone’s eyes, and store them there. 

It helps if you have separate folders for different types of documents—one folder for legal documents, one for certifications, one for immunization records, and so forth. If you don’t want digital copies and can’t access the Workforce Portal, you can always retrieve the physical copies.  

Whether you choose the digital or physical management route, the main factors to consider are location and accessibility: where will you store your documents and will you be able to access them when you need them? The key to managing your legal documentation while on assignment is keeping everything organized and accessible. Once you put an organization plan in place, managing documents on assignment will be simple.

If you have questions or need help using our Workforce Portal, feel free to contact us at any time or check out our job board for the latest travel nurse jobs in the top travel nurse locations!

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